Sunday, April 27, 2014

Too Much Noise - It's A Creative Choice

Many people still squawk about the level of noise in a photo. I've long been a fan of harnessing noise for creative purposes, particularly as I loathe having to cart a tripod around with me. Being a packhorse can obliterate the joy of an early morning wander across the rocks and sand. Great to hear some valid scenarios for allowing noise in a recent Lightstalking post. I think it's important to apply a critical mindset to so called photographic rules and guidelines. Too frequently conformity can kill creativity. 

I particularly love the grainy effect Escher achieved in his lithographs so why shouldn't it be able to transfer to the photographic arena. I am always intrigued by the fact that an action or process previously lampooned or criticised can acquire public acclaim as soon as it is adopted by a personage of 'note'. Each of us needs to perceive ourselves as being such a personage, to afford credibility to ourselves rather than waiting for others to acclaim us. To thine own self be true.

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